Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Vanessa Parker to minister......
Order of Service
The Sisters Meet Experience
November 4, 2011 ♦ 7:00 pm
“Praise, Potential, Progress, Purpose, and Promise”
Sponsored by Positive People Promotion’s, Inc. Tutoring & Mentoring
Evangelist Fran Kelley, CEO & Founder
New Seasons Ministries
Pastor Harold Wade
Broadway and Laurel Street
Praise and worship Delya
Scripture / Prayer Yolanda Williams
Praise dance Deborah Cumberbach
Welcome and Occasion Barbara Mickles
Minister Gayle Anderson
Dr. Margaret Floyd Campbell
Minister Dee Johnson
Evangelist Janice Kelley
Testimony and Exhortation Angela Harding
Musical Selection Valeria Keener
Minister Vanessa Parker
Minister Verna Jackson
Lady Lawanda Williams
Prophetic Forecast Evangelist Fran Kelley
Remarks, Announcements, Adjournment
A portion of the proceeds help fund the Mary Swanigan Scholarship Fund
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Writing a Ministry Bio
P |
Bio writing is challenging. It forces you to prioritize what’s most important about you. It’s an intimidating task to reduce information about “the wonderful you” into a brief clear and concise writing.
Here are a few tips about writing bios:
1. Read other biographies for inspiration of what to do and what not to do.
2. Gather a list of facts about yourself in chronological order. These facts should be related to your purpose. Include your hometown & current location, current church & pastor, spouse’s name, number of children, education and certifications.
3. Write a list of specific qualities about yourself. Ask yourself which qualities make you interesting.
4. List the person's accomplishments. Tie these accomplishments in with your ministry work.
5. Review your list of qualities and accomplishments. Choose the ones that describe you best and represents your ties to ministry.
6. Resist the urge to impress. Humility goes a long way! Just give the facts
Friday, September 9, 2011
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L- Roline Thomas, R- Shun Barrientez |
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Prayer Breakfast
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Fuel for Your Fire - DISCIPLINE
Here are the Bones from the August 2011 Meeting
SCRIPTURE IN THE SPOTLIGHT - 1 Corinthians 14:40
This Month’s Precious Jewel
Empowerment Time – Fuel for your Fire
If you research the etymology of the word “discipline” you will discovers it is much related to the word “disciple”.
The Latin word for ‘learner’ was discipulus, a derivative of the verb discere ‘learn’ (which was related to docÄ“re ‘teach’, source of English doctor, doctrine, and document). English acquired the word in Anglo-Saxon times, as discipul, and it was subsequently reformulated as disciple on the model of Old French deciple. Derived from discipulus was the noun disciplÄ«na ‘instruction, knowledge’. Its meaning developed gradually into ‘maintenance of order (necessary for giving instruction)’, the sense in which the word first entered English (via Old French discipline). Source:
1) Training to act in accordance with rules. 2) A regimen that develops or improves a skill; training. 3) Behavior and order maintained by training and control.
A DISCIPLE embraces DISCIPLINE and looks for ways to improve and make attempts to improve their behavior, orderliness, ministry service, lifestyle, etc., by mind reconditioning, training, and/or guidelines.
KJV - Let all things be done decently and in order.
NIV - But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.
MSG -Be courteous and considerate in everything.
To walk worthy of the calling and achieve excellence in ministry,
a DISCIPLE (learner) needs to have DISCIPLINE
in every area of their life and being.
Next meeting we will look at DISCIPLINE in the following areas:
PRAYER – Relationship with God
PURPOSE – Life’s Assignment
PURITY – Living Holy
I have observed a LEADERSHIP call in each one of you. As a leader you will be required to speak to a group of people. Whether informal or formal, large or small audience, you will have an audience. Why? God has called you to LEAD, therefore, he has an AUDIENCE for you.
1) Avoid apologies….be confident. Things to avoid 1) saying I’m nervous 2) Avoid giving the “in case I mess up excuse”, i.e., Pray for me I haven’t been feeling well, my throat is hurting, I wasn’t scheduled to be up here today,
2) Be yourself – Have personality
3) Use testimonies when appropriate to enhance lessons, sermon points, and singing. – Make sure your testimony fits the theme of the occasion and message.
4) Be open to learn from others what works and what does not.
5) Speak directly into the microphone to be heard. Even if you have a loud voice, don’t assume everyone in the room can hear you without the use of a mic. The people in the back are usually straining to hear.
Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011
Anita on FIRE!
Anita on fire! |
Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending Greater Macedonia’s first Women’s Conference where, Anita was the keynote speaker. Riding on the conference’s theme, “Women Destined for Purpose,” and coming from 2 Timothy 1:6-10, Anita’s topic was “The Answer to Your Why.” Anita had already done an outstanding job exegeting the text when she shut the house down singing “You Brought Me From A Mighty Long Way!”
I jotted down several inspiring notes from her sermon. One challenge she gave the audience I’d like to share with you in reference to DISTRACTIONS- “We don’t need to answer everything that’s calling us.”
You can catch Anita preaching this Sunday, 10 a.m. at St. Mark. See flier already posted.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Members engagements
What a busy day this Sunday will be. Pray for all our sisters who will be ministering:
10 am, St. Mark BC, Little Rock, Anita Hampton will be preaching
3 pm, Wynne, AR, Tamekia Sims will be ministering Praise & Worship
10 am, St. Mark BC, Little Rock, Anita Hampton will be preaching
3 pm, Wynne, AR, Tamekia Sims will be ministering Praise & Worship
Odette Preaching
Odette Woods will be preaching this Sunday, July 31st at 5:00 p.m., at the Salvation Army, Downtown, 1111 West Markham Street, Little Rock, AR 72201.
July Meeting Report
Sorry, I am a little late with this report...
July 21, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
At the home of Roline Thomas, Alexander, AR.
To view pics go the F.L.A.M.E.S. Ministry Facebook page
The meeting was opened with prayer at 6:30 p.m. by Roline Thomas
The ladies dined on food catered by Camille’s Delights ( which included:
Chicken Tetrazinni, BBQ Battered Nuggets, Bacon Swirl Biscuits, Stuffed Eggs, Lemon-Pineapple Ale, Homemade Pound Cake, and Cream Cheese Cookie Cake
Each participant introduced themselves. Fourteen were in attendance. This included:
RT, OW, SB, LA, TS, VP. LW, AJ, KU, KL, TJ. LW, AC, and VG
Godly Gals was a ministry formed over a year ago. After holding only two meetings all ministry activities ceased at the request of the senior pastor of my church. During the year, Roline sought the Lord for direction and clarity in regards to the Godly Gals.
Out of the ashes of the extinguished Godly Gals was birthed a new name and new direction. No longer will this ministry only minister to “preachers”. We have expanded our service to benefit any women who is serious about building the Kingdom of God. With a new focus came a new name.
Jesus said to “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify the Father in heaven.” We are called to be light shiners, shining in all we do. We are now F.L.A.M.E.S., an inextinguishable fire burning with a passion for God.
We are the Fathers Learners Anointed to Minister with Excellent Service!
The mission, plans, etc. of the ministry were presented. You may email Roline for the handouts. Participants were asked to pray about becoming a part of F.L.A.M.E.S. To sum it up, FLAMES desire to not only assist you in your walk with the Lord, but also to provide mentoring, training, support, and opportunities to help you fulfill your purpose and role in your home, church, and community.
TS blessed us with a song.
TS blessed us with a song.
We will actually began the work of this ministry during the next meeting to be held August 12, 2011, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at the home of Roline Thomas. Future meetings and events will also be held at other venues.
The meeting was closed with a powerful prayer by Odette Woods.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Proverbs 18:21a - Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
TV One’s “Unsung” is a documentary program which profiles music acts who were once major influences in the prime only to have their careers derailed by misfortune and crisis. Last night’s episode featured legendary singer and musician Billy Preston who died in 2006. His then manager who witnessed his death gave an account of his final moment. She recalled, “He was laying on his side trying to gasp for air, and I said Bud you got to relax.” Billy Preston uttered, “I CAN’T” and coded.
Preston’s final two words were “I CAN’T.” For believers of Christ, “I CAN’T” are killer words. They kill dreams, ministries, marriages, friendships, and opportunities. When a Christian declares “I CAN’T”, he accepts mediocrity and minimizes the power within. There are those, spiritual serial killers, who habitually use killer words. Don’t allow negative attitude and speech of spiritual assassinators to infiltrate your mind.
Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Through the direction of the Holy Spirit and Word of God, F.L.A.M.E.S. Ministry is dedicated to providing you with a wealth of empowering & insightful information, challenges, opportunities and suggestions that will take your calling/purpose to another level in Christ. BELIEVE you can MEET the STANDARD set by God. Speak life over your situation. Your words can invoke the resurrecting power of Christ. I CAN be the SERVANT God called me to be. SPEAK it. BELIEVE it. DO IT! Don't allow "I CAN'T" kill your purpose! Speak life over yourself!
FLAMES meetings are held the 2nd Friday of each month, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. The next meeting is Aug. 12th at Roline's home. I will be sending info by email to those who missed the last meeting with more specific info about FLAMES.
~ Roline
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Godly Gals
Growing Anointed Lady Servants
Greetings ladies,
EXPANSION has occurred….want to know more? Be at the Godly Gals Mentoring Ministry’s MEET & GREET FELLOWSHIP on Thursday, July 21st, 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Come and find out the vision and goals of this ministry. You would not be getting this invite if the ministry was not something that would be beneficial to you. If you are serious about maturing in your God given purpose, GODLY GALS IS FOR YOU! This is NOT the regular meeting night, so if the date conflict with your schedule but you are still interested in the ministry, just let me know. Hope to see you there. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED. Directions are at the end of this email.
So that I may prepare for you (materials and food), if you haven't already, please RSVP by Monday, July 18th for the July 21st fellowship.
Here’s a sneek peek of what the Godly Gals is all about, but I encourage you to come out to get ALL the info…..
- Godly Gals (Growing Anointed Lady Servants) is designed to provide mentoring to women for the work of ministry. We seek to help women to reach her God-given potential through Biblical teaching, training, real talk discussions, support, accountability, and fellowship. Godly GALS seeks to encourage, empower, enlighten and equip women who are serious about building the Kingdom of God.
Hope to see you on the 21st!
Be blessed,
Roline Thomas
Celebrating A Godly Wedding!
Congratulations to The former Franchesca James who entered into marital bliss on Saturday, July 9th. In spite of 100 degree temperatures, the outdoor wedding was beautiful and Franchesca was certainly a lovely glowing bride. Be in prayer for this new era our sisters life. Introducing Mrs. Jamel Starks..........
Monday, July 4, 2011
Godly Gals SERVING
Sonya & Roline volunteered to serve with The Impact Zone (TIZ) Ministry for their first ever "FREEDOM FEAST." Partnering with the Salvation Army, TIZ served grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, Roline's baked beans, chips, and punch to the homeless. So many people came through the doors looking for a meal. We had a blast!
Roline and Sonya break to pose for a pic:
Roline and Sonya break to pose for a pic:
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Quote of the Day
Leaders have used the word visitation when describing an encounter with God’s presence, whether it was on a corporate basis, or an individual basis. The Lord desire is not a VISITATION; rather, He seeks a HABITATION.
~ A Heart Ablaze, John Bevere
~ A Heart Ablaze, John Bevere
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Quote of the Day
An important ingredient to ministering...allow yourself to be ministered by the Word, songs, testimonies you bring forth. What you share is not only for "their" deliverance, but also for "your" deliverance.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Quote of the Day
To combat gossip remember this - Carnal questions deserve spiritual answers - that'll shut them up! ` Earnest and Roline
Friday, June 3, 2011
Earnest and Roline Ministries: Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day: "Haters are INTIMIDATED by your ANOINTING. If you have NO HATERS, you have NO ANOITNING. Don't hate your haters---they keep you in close contact with the Lord! ~Roline Thomas
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Unrealistic Expectations
By Roline Thomas
In the church there are those who act as if a minister, teacher, or leader in the church should have more Bible knowledge than Jesus. The leader should pray a certain way, look a certain way, talk a certain way, and/or dress a certain way. The "know what you should be doing" person has a plan for your role in the church. You should sing, you should play the piano, you should work with the kids, you should wear a hat! When did God leave the Throne and give these people the authority to tell you what to do?! Expectations of church members are often too high for ministers, preacher’s wives, evangelist, etc. Actually they are usually UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.
For a few years I stopped attending the midweek Bible Study. I also did not show up for EVERY program, meeting or event at the church. {GASP} My children's homework and "at home time" was more important. Since dad is required to be at church, I stayed behind with the kids. I KNOW my kids benefited greatly from my move. However, I had to listen to the "sly remarks" from several members about my absence. UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.
We are to please God and God alone. Since God doesn’t place unrealistic expectations on you, why try to meet another’s? Besides, as much as you try to do what others expect for you to do, they'll still render their grievances and complaints. Ministry workers who fall into the trap of allowing others to determine your ministry-that is what you are to do in the church-do not know their God given purpose. You must not allow outside people to influence you. No one has the authority to tell you your purpose. You must seek God for direction in ministry, otherwise you will find yourself trying to meet UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.
In the church there are those who act as if a minister, teacher, or leader in the church should have more Bible knowledge than Jesus. The leader should pray a certain way, look a certain way, talk a certain way, and/or dress a certain way. The "know what you should be doing" person has a plan for your role in the church. You should sing, you should play the piano, you should work with the kids, you should wear a hat! When did God leave the Throne and give these people the authority to tell you what to do?! Expectations of church members are often too high for ministers, preacher’s wives, evangelist, etc. Actually they are usually UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.
For a few years I stopped attending the midweek Bible Study. I also did not show up for EVERY program, meeting or event at the church. {GASP} My children's homework and "at home time" was more important. Since dad is required to be at church, I stayed behind with the kids. I KNOW my kids benefited greatly from my move. However, I had to listen to the "sly remarks" from several members about my absence. UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.
We are to please God and God alone. Since God doesn’t place unrealistic expectations on you, why try to meet another’s? Besides, as much as you try to do what others expect for you to do, they'll still render their grievances and complaints. Ministry workers who fall into the trap of allowing others to determine your ministry-that is what you are to do in the church-do not know their God given purpose. You must not allow outside people to influence you. No one has the authority to tell you your purpose. You must seek God for direction in ministry, otherwise you will find yourself trying to meet UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thoughts from Pastor T's Wife: Creating Balance Between Home and Ministry
Creating Balance Between Home and Ministry: "A women's primary role is to her home. The home is a great task alone. However, many women today are called to the ministry. Whether it is teaching, preaching, ministering music, etc., many women are called to areas within the ministry that requires much preparation. There is an old saying, "There aren't enough hours in a day!" God knew what he was doing when he gave man 24 hours per day and created our bodies to rest at least 8 hours of that day. That means we have 16 hours of wake hours. If you daily feel overwhelmed, not rested, and stressed by all the assignments you have taken on, then perhaps you are doing more than what God has intended for you to do..." To read more click on this article's title above.
Friday, May 27, 2011
The Look of Unoriginality
Leave those internet sermons on the internet!
I know, I know, the Bible says. “There is nothing new under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9). But that doesn’t mean we are to be copycats, plagiarist, or plain old lazy in our preparation to minister the gospel.
Internet sermons can be useful tools in our preparation. They can inspire, offer illustrations, and enlighten. But they should not replace our first and foremost Source, the Holy Spirit. When preparing sermons, never, never, never research internet sermons first. Get into the habit of NOT DEPENDING or NEEDING them. You will stunt your development as a preacher if you choose to preach sermons prepared by others.
One problem I’ve witnessed is that of preachers allowing research assistants to prepare their sermons instead of just researching the scripture, big idea, or theme. Some of us sitting in the congregation are studious and not stupid. We know you didn’t prepare your sermon. As a matter of fact, we can pretty much figure out which of your sermon writers prepared the message! And here’s a tip to you who choose to continue in this venue—your sermon writers can’t hold water! In other words they will tell someone, who will tell another, who will tell another the truth about your “preparation time.”
The problem of preachers relying on sermons from the internet is growing in the church. I was in a small church setting and heard a guy preaching a message that just didn’t match his personality. I jotted down a few quotes from his message, googled, and WAH-LA—there it was in its entirety on the internet. I was in a larger church setting, and the same happened---same title, same introduction, same body---could this be a coincidence? I think not!
Here me out, I know sometimes you can get into a bind. But don’t fall into the trap of taking shortcuts in your preparation. Internet sermons are shortcuts. They can be a help—especially when seeking out illustrations. HOWEVER, internet sermons are NOT to be the only tool of research.
Recently Beyonce performed on the Billboard awards. I did not see the show, but I saw a clip of her performance that had been posted on Facebook by a friend. Beyonce had been accused of copying the routine of another artist. For proof, the video showed the performances by both artists side by side simultaneously. I must admit, I was shocked by the similarities. Also, I was a little disappointed that the choreographer of Beyonce’s routine could have possibly been a copycat. BeyoncĂ©'s team admitted the routine was initially inspired by a similar performance by Italian singer Lorella Cuccarini. Once I viewed Beyonce’s video and the original video, I began thinking that someone has misrepresented themselves. A copycat, internet sermon preacher is misrepresenting the call God placed on you.
Check out the Beyonce video:
I know, I know, the Bible says. “There is nothing new under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9). But that doesn’t mean we are to be copycats, plagiarist, or plain old lazy in our preparation to minister the gospel.
Internet sermons can be useful tools in our preparation. They can inspire, offer illustrations, and enlighten. But they should not replace our first and foremost Source, the Holy Spirit. When preparing sermons, never, never, never research internet sermons first. Get into the habit of NOT DEPENDING or NEEDING them. You will stunt your development as a preacher if you choose to preach sermons prepared by others.
One problem I’ve witnessed is that of preachers allowing research assistants to prepare their sermons instead of just researching the scripture, big idea, or theme. Some of us sitting in the congregation are studious and not stupid. We know you didn’t prepare your sermon. As a matter of fact, we can pretty much figure out which of your sermon writers prepared the message! And here’s a tip to you who choose to continue in this venue—your sermon writers can’t hold water! In other words they will tell someone, who will tell another, who will tell another the truth about your “preparation time.”
The problem of preachers relying on sermons from the internet is growing in the church. I was in a small church setting and heard a guy preaching a message that just didn’t match his personality. I jotted down a few quotes from his message, googled, and WAH-LA—there it was in its entirety on the internet. I was in a larger church setting, and the same happened---same title, same introduction, same body---could this be a coincidence? I think not!
Here me out, I know sometimes you can get into a bind. But don’t fall into the trap of taking shortcuts in your preparation. Internet sermons are shortcuts. They can be a help—especially when seeking out illustrations. HOWEVER, internet sermons are NOT to be the only tool of research.
Recently Beyonce performed on the Billboard awards. I did not see the show, but I saw a clip of her performance that had been posted on Facebook by a friend. Beyonce had been accused of copying the routine of another artist. For proof, the video showed the performances by both artists side by side simultaneously. I must admit, I was shocked by the similarities. Also, I was a little disappointed that the choreographer of Beyonce’s routine could have possibly been a copycat. BeyoncĂ©'s team admitted the routine was initially inspired by a similar performance by Italian singer Lorella Cuccarini. Once I viewed Beyonce’s video and the original video, I began thinking that someone has misrepresented themselves. A copycat, internet sermon preacher is misrepresenting the call God placed on you.
Check out the Beyonce video:
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Quote of th Day
Humility does not imply that we are to have an inferior view of ourselves, but a healthy one. ~Ted Engstrom
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Do You Have A Buisness Card?
I GOT IT!! Took a while but I finally got it!!
My husband has been getting on me about ordering business cards for our ministry. After speaking recently at an event I finally understood why I needed business cards. It seems like every time I speak, someone invites me to speak at their event and/or asks for a business card. Whomever assists me would scramble in search for a piece of paper to scribble the number onto. HOW UNPROFESSIONAL!!! I can't believe I waited this long to get a card.
It was really easy ordering the cards. I went to Office Depot's website and was able to design a card and place an order. I paid about $25 for 200 business cards. It took 3 business days for me to receive them. Whether a Senior Pastor or associate minister, every person in ministry should have business cards. It's more professional to issue a card, than to scribble on a piece of paper. The recipient is more likely to keep and locate your business card verses a torn paper.
Here's my card with the phone numbers scratched out in a very unprofessional manner (LOL!):
My husband has been getting on me about ordering business cards for our ministry. After speaking recently at an event I finally understood why I needed business cards. It seems like every time I speak, someone invites me to speak at their event and/or asks for a business card. Whomever assists me would scramble in search for a piece of paper to scribble the number onto. HOW UNPROFESSIONAL!!! I can't believe I waited this long to get a card.
It was really easy ordering the cards. I went to Office Depot's website and was able to design a card and place an order. I paid about $25 for 200 business cards. It took 3 business days for me to receive them. Whether a Senior Pastor or associate minister, every person in ministry should have business cards. It's more professional to issue a card, than to scribble on a piece of paper. The recipient is more likely to keep and locate your business card verses a torn paper.
Here's my card with the phone numbers scratched out in a very unprofessional manner (LOL!):
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Feeling Discouraged? Little or No Preaching Opportunities
That last post was a mess. i don't know what happened to it, but some how the formatting was disoriented. here's a re-post
By Roline Thomas
What God has for me it is for me? Let a good preacher tune up and whoop out that phrase. Watch what happens. Observe the people shouting, running, jumping, naming and claiming. In the moment, it sounds good and feels good. The listener receives and believes the declaration. Yet, FOR SOME who are not being used in ministry, who begin to wonder when will he or she have a chance to operate in the call, “what God has for me is for me” is not very comforting. Sometimes, the slogan has been far removed from their memory bank.
Ever had these thoughts:
If you ever had these thoughts what happens to “what God has for me it is for me?” Do you really believe because you don’t get opportunity that other people have hindered your call? Stop blaming others for your lack of progress. Talk to God. But beware, he’ll give you an answer, perhaps one that you weren’t expecting.
With God all things are possible. He is able to bring you to, get you through and finish whatever work be has begun in you. So why are you in this stagnant place? Why haven’t you been licensed? Why don’t you get opportunities to preach? I don’t know, but what I do advise is this “DON’T BE DISCOURAGED.” Why? Because all things are working for the good of those who 1) LOVE GOD and 2) are called according to HIS PURPOSE. Here are a few things to ponder:
What God has for me it is for me? Let a good preacher tune up and whoop out that phrase. Watch what happens. Observe the people shouting, running, jumping, naming and claiming. In the moment, it sounds good and feels good. The listener receives and believes the declaration. Yet, FOR SOME who are not being used in ministry, who begin to wonder when will he or she have a chance to operate in the call, “what God has for me is for me” is not very comforting. Sometimes, the slogan has been far removed from their memory bank.
Ever had these thoughts:
When will I be licensed? When will I get an opportunity to preach? I feel an overwhelming sense of unfairness when others are used often, I am not given a chance. There are some in leadership who are holding me back from what God has called me to do because they don’t like me and/or show favoritism to others.
If you ever had these thoughts what happens to “what God has for me it is for me?” Do you really believe because you don’t get opportunity that other people have hindered your call? Stop blaming others for your lack of progress. Talk to God. But beware, he’ll give you an answer, perhaps one that you weren’t expecting.
With God all things are possible. He is able to bring you to, get you through and finish whatever work be has begun in you. So why are you in this stagnant place? Why haven’t you been licensed? Why don’t you get opportunities to preach? I don’t know, but what I do advise is this “DON’T BE DISCOURAGED.” Why? Because all things are working for the good of those who 1) LOVE GOD and 2) are called according to HIS PURPOSE. Here are a few things to ponder:
- Do I really live like I love God. Maybe, God can’t trust me with opportunity because I haven’t placed Him first. How’s my devotion to God?
- Am I walking in His purpose? If God called you to preach he has an audience for you. Are you really called to preach? What makes you sure?
- Am I ready? Preaching isn’t easy. Do you really think you can deliver a sound message in such a way that people will be transformed by the love of God. Maybe you are in a “gift development” season. Use this time to learn how to study and prepare.
- Am I serving? Ministering is so much more than preaching. Many called preachers make the mistake of seeking opportunity to preach while missing opportunities to serve.
One final thought. My husband has often asked this question in minister’s training class. If you were driving in the wrong direction, how long would you continue before turning around. If you are going in the right direction, keep moving forward. But if you discover you were not called to preach, turn around before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
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